All over the world “Code of Corporate Governance” is issued by the regulators of capital markets to protect the interest of shareholders. As the economies, culture and companies are not stagnant and always go through an evolution phase; so does the requirements to govern the organizations.

Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has recently issued the Code of Corporate Governance 2019. While the new code promises to bring certain improvements, there is and will always remain room for improvement as for any legislation.

The purpose of this publication is to educate the investors, directors, company’s management and public at large on the key changes brought about in final code 2019, our views on the same, and suggestions for improvement. Together with this, we have highlighted few areas where the Regulator can look into enhancing the depth&breadth of the Code.

We hope that this effort will be useful for various stakeholders to develop well-governed organization for creating better working lives.

Muhammad Faheem Piracha